Analyze competitors, brands and/or categories in Google Shopping and use the data we scan to determine your optimal product price. Read more

Frequently asked questions



What you need to know before getting started

How does our PMT work?

How does our credit system work?

Explore the complete range of features

Setting up your first report (Identify)

Creating your first report

Set price frequency to activate your crawl

How can I enable daily price updates and email alerts?

Analyzing your results (Analyze)

Exploring the market landscape

Managing multiple reports

Creating a report from a selection

Blacklisting attributes in your report

Reviewing your products in the Price Monitoring Tool

Exporting your results (Export)

Exporting your data via CSV, Excel, JSON, and XML

Exporting your data to a supplemental Google Shopping feed

Optimizing your campaigns (Optimize)

Using Channable to enrich your feed data

How to import your supplemental feed into your Merchant Center

Best practices